You see, we all have a need. We can't fill it ourselves, try as we might. No man in a red suit can bring it, and even Nick himself would tell you so. You can sail the seven seas and not know what it feels like to be at peace and at home with yourself. What's needed is a open passage from your port to that one, and that's why Jesus came to this place... to make a way for you to get where you want to be (even before you knew you wanted to be there). Jesus was a sailing man himself, and understood the ways of the sea... surely the kind of God and man who understands the good and bad in pirates!
We thank Him for all he has done and is doing, and for the many blessing we experience each year because one of the biggest is getting to play music for the best fans in this whole world; Intercoastal Pirate fans! We are genuinely thankful for each one of you, for our families who make sacrifices month in and month out so we can board the ship and sail out to do what we do, and to the inn keepers and proprietors who have faithfully kept us under full sail for many a year now. And last, but certainly not least, we are all thankful for one another, the best group of Pirates you could hope to swab a deck with... and to all those past Pirates who have breathed the salty sea air with us. Merry Christmas to us all, and God bless us every one!