And the vote is over... imagine these eggheads in Washington thinking they can just ignore the will of the people of the 1700s through the 2000s. There was a time, me laddie, when great men like Lincoln and Washington knew the laws were meant to make sure WE THE PEOPLE decided what happened in this land. It may be a right Pirating way of thinking, but I do not trust big government and believe they have gotten too big for our own good! Off my soapbox now...
Getting to much better things, we're in Texas. God bless us all for being so fortunate. And in another great stroke of blessination (made that one up) we happen to be heading to a favored haunt on the San Bernard: Dido's! They're going to have Crawfish aplenty tonight, which should make for many a red-fingered smiling face in the crowd. Looking forward to seeing all of you on a bright, cool and comfortable Texas night. Many more stops coming for the Pirates in the coming months. Keep up with our ports of call above and make sure you get on out to share some good times! We'll be looking for you.