Now that we come to the time of year known the world over as "the Holidays" it can be even easier to become so busy in the doings of the world that ye might lose sight of the reason we be a'celebrating. There be lots to thank the Lord for, not the least of it being this Pirating life we are so lucky to lead. Let me share a touch of it with you...
You see, my friend, we who step aboard the Musical Ship O' The South every week are actually living two lives, and both have a lot to do with being thankful these days. During the week, we each have duties ashore that keep the home fires burning, family cared for, and all our onstage toys paid for... not a bad way to be on dry land when your forced to it. Then we get to step out of that life and into another that brings us to your port. And a big part of the fun of being a Pirate is enjoying the folks you Pirate with... great bunch of cut throats there!
So as you can see, we're having quite the good life and have good reason to be smiling when we get to the stage. It's not a normal life, I allow. But then we're not exactly normal people, are we? So, although many pick a different way, it's a pirate's Life for Me, yo ho!
So, what's my point, ye ask? I'm thankful. For my family and friends, you among them. For the Lord above allowing so much good into our lives. Take time this year to stop and say thank you to all who make your life worth living. And then take another moment to look up and give thanks for every moment of your life. It's a gift, mate, and that's why they call it the Present!